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What Is Diabetes | 12 Dangerous Signs of Uncontrolled Diabetes | Lifestyle Changes Required in Diabetes?

Diabetes is a common scare for the middle-aged person in today’s world. It is a major lifestyle disorder among our population today.

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What is Diabetes

Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycaemia which is an increase in blood-sugar levels in our body resulting from defects in insulin secretion insulin action, or both.

Diabetes is determined by blood- sugar level. A blood-sugar level, before food, less than 140mg/dl is normal. A reading of above 200mg/dl is diabetic and a range of 140mg/dl – 199mg/dl is called pre-diabetic.

Globally, 382 million people had diabetes in the year 2013. By 2035, this number will rise to 592 million. In India, 65.1 million people had diabetes in 2013; in 2035 this number will increase by 70.6%.

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General Causes/ Risk Factors for Diabetes

Some of the causes of diabetes are:

  1. High alcohol intake
  2. Obesity
  3. Sedentary lifestyle 
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Hypertension
  6. High blood triglyceride value (fat)

Prediabetes of Diabetes

Prediabetes is an early stage of the onset of diabetes. During this stage, the sugar levels are between 140 mg/dl and 199 mg/dl. 

Early symptoms like fatigue, excess hunger and thirst and frequent urination are observed here.

This stage can be effectively reversed if one switches to a healthy diet and exercises under medical supervision thus preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.

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Different Types of Diabetes

  1. Type 1 diabetes 
  2. Type 2 diabetes
  3. Gestational diabetes mellitus 

Type 1 Diabetes 

It is juvenile diabetes and is seen only in 5 to 10% of the population.

A person suffering from this has an absolute insulin deficiency and can no longer produce insulin. 

Such patients are completely dependent on exogenously administered insulin for survival.

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Biological Causes:

The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not known, but it can be considered as the auto-immune destruction of beta cells of the pancreas which produce insulin.

There is a possibility of genetic factors being a cause when triggered by environmental factors.

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Signs and Symptoms:

  1. Polyuria – Increased urination
  2. Polydipsia – Increased thirst 
  3. Polyphagia – Increased hunger
  4. Fatigue
  5. Increased frequency of infections
  6. Dry mouth
  7. Bedwetting in children who are usually dry at night


Regular blood sugar monitoring has to be done. 

Since there is very little or no insulin production, insulin therapy can be given by injecting insulin in fat under the skin through a syringe.


Some of the rapid-acting insults are apidra, humalog, and novolog. 

Some of the long-acting insulins is Levemir tresiba.

Caution: Strictly do not consume any medicine without a physician’s advice.

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Type 2 Diabetes

It is the most common type and comprises 90 to 95% of the population suffering from diabetes. Most of the diagnosed are overweight and are adults.

Biological Causes: 

The underlying defect in diabetes type 2 is characterised by the following-

  1. Peripheral resistance of insulin, especially in muscle cells.
  2. Increased glucose production in the liver
  3. Defect in insulin-secreting beta cells.

Treatment and Medication:

Once the diagnosis is done, therapeutic lifestyle change is a major first step towards treatment. 

The treatment further includes-

  1. Mono-therapy: Use of metformin as the first oral hypoglycaemic therapy
  2. Combination therapy – Oral drugs only
  3. Combination therapy – Oral drugs with insulin

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3. Gestational Diabetes

It is a form of high blood sugar level in pregnant women. Usually, there are no symptoms and a blood sugar test itself helps in diagnosis. These women are more prone to develop diabetes type 2 later in life.

Treatment: It can be managed by a healthy diet, anti-diabetic medications and exercises, strictly advised by practising physicians.

Management of Diabetes

The major components of treatment are as follows:

  1. Medical nutritional therapy 
  2. It includes diet and exercise.
  3. Oral hypoglycaemic therapy 
  4. Insulin

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Lifestyle Changes Required in Diabetes

Diabetic Diet

The major point for all types of diabetes to be taken into consideration is eating healthy food in the right quantity at the right meal times. This can be put together with a diet rich in nutrients but low in fat and calories. 

Recommended Food in Diabetes

Healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables (non-starchy, ex: carrots, tomatoes), green leaves, and whole grains like barley, brown rice, and oatmeal.

Legumes like beans and peas. 

Low-fat dairy products. These foods are also rich in fibre.

Fish can be consumed because it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This helps in preventing heart disease as well. Remember, fried fish food should be avoided. 

Consumption of nuts and avocados, peanuts and olive oil is also recommended. These are good fat. Nevertheless, do not overdo it.

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What to Avoid in Diabetes

Avoid high-fat dairy products like butter, sausages and beef. Also, avoid coconut and palm oil. 

High-fat animal protein, egg yolk, liver and other meats should be avoided because they are fine in cholesterol.

Sodium intake is also checked, especially if one already suffers from hypertension.

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Yoga Asanas for Diabetes

 It helps to regenerate and restore pancreatic cells by abdomen stretching.

1. Matsyasana/ Fish Pose

Matsyasana is very good for stretching and toning abdominal organs and muscles. It helps fight diabetes when practised with breathing exercises.

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2. Pavanamuktasana / Wind Relieving Pose

This relieves flatulence by releasing excess gas from the abdomen. Also, this asana is very good for constipation and to maintain a healthy digestive system which is of great benefit to fight diabetes.

3. Vakrasana/ Seated Twisting Pose

This pose stimulates the pancreas and thus is very beneficial for one’s suffering from diabetes. It also removes excess fat from the waist area.

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4. Trikonasana / Triangle Pose

All diabetics have a risk of kidney damage. This asana works wonders for this problem and helps in increasing absorption by kidneys.

5. Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutations 

This is a very beneficial yoga for almost all health problems. It keeps the body very healthy and improves blood circulation and insulin levels in the body. 

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Most of the population is troubled by diabetes. Nevertheless, it can be managed with the help of medical professionals and following strict dietary and lifestyle changes.

The rest have to focus on building healthier lifestyles by performing yoga, abstaining from alcohol, smoking and drugs, and leading an active lifestyle for a healthier society and progeny.

12 Dangerous Signs of Uncontrolled Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes can have serious consequences for your health, so it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. Here are 12 signs that your diabetes may not be under control:

1. Excessive thirst and urination: When your blood sugar is high, your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by peeing more often. This can also lead to you feeling thirstier than usual.

2. Increased hunger: Uncontrolled diabetes can prevent your body from properly using insulin, the hormone that helps cells absorb glucose from your bloodstream. This can lead to constant feelings of hunger, even after eating.

3. Unexplained weight loss: Even though you may be eating more, uncontrolled diabetes can cause you to lose weight because your body is breaking down muscle and fat for energy.

4. Fatigue and weakness: High blood sugar levels can zap your energy, making you feel tired and weak.

5. Blurred vision: High blood sugar can damage the blood vessels in your eyes, leading to blurred vision.

6. Slow-healing wounds: High blood sugar can impair your circulation and make it harder for wounds to heal.

7. Frequent infections: Diabetes can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections.

8. Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet: High blood sugar can damage the nerves in your hands and feet, causing tingling or numbness.

9. Skin problems: Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to dry, itchy skin, and fungal infections.

10. Sexual problems: High blood sugar can damage the nerves and blood vessels that control sexual function, leading to problems like erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness.

11. Fruity-smelling breath: When your body breaks down fat for energy instead of glucose, it can produce a fruity-smelling breath.

12. Ketoacidosis: This is a serious complication of diabetes that can occur when your body doesn’t have enough insulin to break down glucose for energy. Symptoms of ketoacidosis include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, and confusion.

If you experience any of these signs, it’s important to see your doctor right away. Early diagnosis and treatment of uncontrolled diabetes can help prevent serious complications.

In addition to the signs listed above, other factors can increase your risk of developing uncontrolled diabetes, such as:

  • Having a family history of diabetes
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Being physically inactive
  • Having high blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Having gestational diabetes

If you have any of these risk factors, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your risk of developing diabetes and how to prevent it.

What is Diabetes: FAQ

Can diabetics eat mango

Mango or any other fruit contain natural sugar, which is less harmful than traditional sugar. Consuming one or even two mangoes a day is fine. It is fine to eat Fruits or mangoes with the pulp, as it has fibre which reduces the amount of sugar consumed.

Tips to reduce sugar level

Focus on building healthier lifestyles by performing yoga, abstaining from alcohol, smoking and drugs, leading an active lifestyle for a healthier society and progeny.

Is pomegranate juice good for diabetes

Drinking Pomegranate Juice will help in managing and maintaining sugar level in diabetic pataient.

Symptoms of diabetes in men

1. Polyuria – Increased urination
2. Polydipsia – Increased thirst 
3. Polyphagia – Increased hunger
4. Fatigue
5. Increased frequency of infections
6. Dry mouth
7. Bedwetting in children who are usually dry at night

Food to avoid in diabetes

Avoid high fat dairy products like butter, sausages and beef. Also avoid coconut and palm oil. 
High fat animal protein, egg yolk, liver and other meats should be avoided because they are fine in cholesterol.
Sodium intake is also checked, especially if one already suffers from hypertension.

Recommended food in diabetes

Healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables (non-starchy, ex: carrot, tomatoes), green leaves, whole grains like barley, brown rice, oatmeal.
Legumes like beans and peas. 
Low-fat dairy products. These foods are also rich in fibre.
Fish can be consumed because it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid. This helps in preventing heart diseases as well. Remember, fried fish food should be avoided. 
Consumption of nuts and avocados, peanut and olive oil is also recommended. These are good fat. Nevertheless, do not overdo it.

Can people with diabetes get the covid vaccine


How can you get diabetes

Some of the causes for diabetes are:
1. High alcohol intake
2. Obesity
3. Sedentary lifestyle 
4. Pregnancy
5. Hypertension
6. High blood triglyceride value (fat)

What is a good diabetic diet

1. Healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables (non- starchy, ex: carrot, tomatoes), green leaves, whole grains like barley, brown rice, oatmeal.
2. Legumes like beans and peas. 
3. Low fat dairy products. These foods are also rich in fibre.
4. Consumption of nuts and avocados, peanut and olive oil is also recommended. These are good fat. Nevertheless, do not overdo it.

What should diabetics not eat

1. Avoid high fat dairy products like butter, sausages and beef. Also avoid coconut and palm oil. 
2. High fat animal protein, egg yolk, liver and other meats should be avoided because they are fine in cholesterol.
3. Sodium intake is also checked, especially if one already suffers from hypertension.

Which is worse type 1 or 2 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes can be control with meditation, medicines and therapy but type 2 diabetes is difficult to control with meditation, medicine and therapy. Because in type 2 diabetes we use insulin to control our sugar level. So, it become more dangerous then type 1 diabetes.

What food causes diabetes

1. Avoid high fat dairy products like butter, sausages and beef. Also avoid coconut and palm oil. 
2. High fat animal protein, egg yolk, liver and other meats should be avoided because they are fine in cholesterol.
3. Sodium intake is also checked, especially if one already suffers from hypertension.

Can diabetics get the covid vaccine

Yes, diabetes must have sugar level control
Diabetics patient must have sugar level control. diabetes patient must keep a track of his/her sugar level check frequently.

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