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HomeIndiaEffectiveness of COVID 19 vaccine (Covaxin) against SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Effectiveness of COVID 19 vaccine (Covaxin) against SARS-CoV-2 Infection

India officially got Covaxin, India’s COVID-19 vaccine against the coronavirus infection as the DCGI on Sunday 3rd January 2021.

Indian Government has announced the formal approval for the coronavirus vaccines of Oxford-AstraZeneca and Bharat Biotech. Indian Government will administer their Covaxin, COVID-19 vaccine in two dosages each.

Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) formally announced the ‘restricted use’ of Bharat Biotech‘s Covaxin and Oxford-AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine Covishield, manufactured by Serum Institute of India.

DCGI’s VG Somani informed us that both institutes have submitted data for trial runs and DCGI has given permission to both the institutes.  

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The Oxford coronavirus vaccine and Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin are the first vaccines for India against the pandemic. Using these vaccines is termed as ‘restricted use’ only in India.

VG Somani further informed that “Serum-Oxford Astra Zeneca COVID-19 called Covishield has an efficiency of 70%. While Effectiveness of COVID 19 vaccine (Covaxin) against SARS-CoV-2 Infection Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin is safe and improves the immune system.

He also said, “The vaccines are 100% safe though some side effects such as mild fever, pain and allergy are expected which is common for all vaccines.” VG Somani also eliminated the claims that this vaccine would bring impotency.

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DCGI called a press conference on 3rd January 2020 at 11 am at the National Media Centre to address the COVID-19 vaccine in India. India has been preparing for Covaxin, the COVID-19 vaccine rollout for the last four months.

Drug Controller General of India VG Somani said that the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) gave its approval, followed by the recommendation of the Subject Expert Committee (SEC) that recommended both vaccines for emergency use.

The authority has also permitted Cadila Healthcare to conduct the Phase III clinical trial of its vaccine candidate in India, Somani informed.

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India’s Covid-19 Vaccine: Pride for PM

Every Indian is proud of the vaccines approved which are “Made in India”. Surely this is a proud moment for the PM of India. Mr Narendra Modi as these two vaccines received emergency approval.

Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi has congratulated and appreciated the efforts put in by scientists and innovators of India to bring out this vaccine.

PM Modi has tweeted “Meanwhile, India recorded 18,177 fresh coronavirus infections today. Taking the country’s tally to 1,03,23,965, including 2,47,220 active cases.

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The death toll after 217 new fatalities stands at 1,49,435. 20,923 new recoveries pushed the total number of recoveries to 99,27,310.”

In a series of tweets, PM Modi also wrote, “It would make every Indian proud that the two vaccines that have been given emergency use approval are made in India”.

This shows the eagerness of our scientific community to fulfil the dream of an Aatmanirbhar Bharat, at the root of which is care and compassion.”

PM Modi further wrote “We reiterate our gratitude to doctors, medical staff, scientists, police personnel, sanitation workers and all Corona warriors for the outstanding work done, that too in adverse circumstances. We will remain eternally grateful to them for saving many lives”

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Covaxin Vaccine: The Institutes and Clinical Trials

DCGI’s approval for vaccines made by Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech would surely speed up the process of a healthy and COVID-free nation.

India covered up the gap by getting a vaccine against the novel coronavirus as two candidates viz Hyderabad–based Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin and the Serum Institute of India’s Covishield have been recommended by a government-appointed panel to the DCGI for emergency use.

DCGI said that the vaccine presented by Serum Institute is a Recombinant Chimpanzee Adenovirus vector vaccine.

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The firm submitted safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data generated on 23,745 participants aged between 18 years and older from overseas clinical studies. The overall vaccine efficacy was found to be 70%.

Further, M/s Serum was granted permission to conduct Phase-II/III clinical trials on 1600 participants within the country.

The firm also submitted the interim safety and immunogenicity data generated from this trial. The data was found comparable with the data from the overseas clinical studies.

After detailed deliberations, the Subject Expert Committee has recommended the grant of permission for restricted use in emergencies subject to certain regulatory conditions. The clinical trial ongoing within the country by the firm will continue.

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Covaxin Covid-19 Vaccine: Press Release

The official press release was done on 3rd January at 11 am. The CDSCO met on January 1 and 2 and made recommendations for restricted emergency approval of the vaccines.

As per an official release, the Subject Expert Committee (SEC) met on Friday and Saturday.

The committee made its recommendations regarding the accelerated approval process request of the SII, Bharat Biotech International Ltd as well as about phase-III trials of Cadila Healthcare Ltd.

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The SEC consists of experts from the fields of pulmonology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, paediatrics, internal medicine and more.

In a tweet, Serum Institute of India’s CEO Adar Poonawalla wrote, “Happy New Year, everyone! All the risks Serum Institute of India took with stockpiling the vaccine have finally paid off.

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COVISHIELD, India’s COVID-19 vaccine is approved, safe, effective and ready to roll out in the coming weeks.”

Bharat Biotech vaccine is developed in collaboration with ICMR and NIV (Pune). It is a Whole Virion Inactivated coronavirus vaccine. The institute has generated safety and immunogenicity data in various animal species such as mice, rats, rabbits, and Syrian hamsters.

It has also conducted challenge studies on non-human primates (Rhesus macaques) and hamsters. All this data has been shared by the firm with CDSCO.

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Phase I and Phase II clinical trials were conducted in approx. 800 subjects. The results have demonstrated that the vaccine is safe and provides a robust immune response. 

The Phase III efficacy trial was initiated in India with 25,800 volunteers to date. 22,500 participants have been vaccinated across the country and the vaccine is safe as per the data available to date.

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Covaxin Covid-19 Vaccine: Current Situation

India recorded 18,177 fresh coronavirus infections in January, taking the country’s tally to 1,03,23,965, including 2,47,220 active cases. The death toll after 217 new fatalities stands at 1,49,435. 20,923 new recoveries pushed the total number of recoveries to 99,27,310.

The reason why India decided to approve the under-trial Bharat Biotech vaccine is that it is based on a whole inactivated virus platform. Bharat Biotech said the evaluation of Covaxin had resulted in several “unique product characteristics”.

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Including a long-term persistence of immune responses to multiple viral proteins as distinct from only the spike protein and has also demonstrated broad spectrum-neutralising capabilities with heterogeneous SARS-CoV-2 strains.

We hope the launch of two vaccines by the best institutes in India. We can fight back and make India a COVID-free country soon. Congratulations to the vaccine producers and best of luck to the front-line fighter!

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Covid-19: FAQ

What Started Covid 19

As per the information, Covid-19 was traced in Wuhan city of China. It is believed that Covid-19 developed from a seafood market in Wuhan, China.

When did the COVID-19 Pandemic Start

The first case of COVID-19 came on Dec 1, 2019, and it has no link with the Wuhan seafood market. In January, the Covid-19 virus spread through the human body and other objects transfer.   

Can a Person Get COVID-19 Twice?

Yes, a person can get COVID-19 twice,
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that there is currently no evidence that people, who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies, are protected from a second infection.

Can COVID-19 be Transmitted Sexually

Yes, it can
There are reports of COVID-19 virus detection in the semen. But, there is also no evidence that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted through vaginal fluids or semen. So, based on these reports, it can be said that COVID-19 can be transmitted sexually.

Can you Recover from Covid 19?

1. Stay home, stay safe – When you notice a mild symptom in you or any person around you or near you. 
2. Call the doctor – density, be a doctor by yourself. Take the help of a doctor. If you don`t feel well, then call for an ambulance or reach your own to the hospital for treatment. Go for testing of Covid-19 to confirm.    
3. Follow the doctor’s advice and stay updated on COVID-19 – Go with the doctor’s advice. Don`t do things of your own and in between stay updated with the news of Coronavirus to take care of and avoid the thing to cure coronavirus.

Does Covid 19 Cause Blood Pressure Spikes

There are reports of high blood pressure in the COVID-19 pandemic. The risk of COVID-19 infections is higher in people with High Blood Pressure. The risk of COVID-19 infections is prone to people with Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure and fewer chances of COVID-19 infection to people with Controlled High Blood pressure.

How Long Does it Take to Heal After Covid 19?

The answer to this question depends on the treatment you have received. It means if you recovered from Covid 19 in:
1. Home Isolation – then it may take 15 days to one month to heal from body pain, weakness, level of exertion, shortness of breath, coughing and irregular breathing.
2. Hospital Treatment – If you have been hospitalized due to Covid 19. then it may take one month or two & a half months to heal from body pain, weakness, level of exertion, shortness of breath, coughing and irregular breathing.
3. Critical Treatment – If you have been to the ICU or on a ventilator then it may take two to three months to heal from body pain, weakness, level of exertion, shortness of breath, coughing and irregular breathing.

How Much Does the Covid 19 Test Cost

COVID-19 test prices in hospitals across the USA vary widely. Cost depends on the test and the type of test. Generally, the cost price is around $35 to $145 per diagnostic test and it depends on the type of the test. Medicare covers testing without cost-sharing for patients.

Is Covid 19 Still a Pandemic

Due to the new strain of coronavirus found all over the world, Covid 19 is still a pandemic.
Coronavirus is a type of virus. There are different types of coronavirus. A newly identified coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, caused a pandemic of respiratory illness worldwide, called COVID-19.

What are the Ingredients in the COVID-19 Vaccine

1. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
a. mRNA 
b. Lipids 
c. Salts 
d. Sugar 

2. The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
a. mRNA 
b. Lipids 
c. Acids
d. Acid Stabilizers
e. Salts
f. Sugar

3. The Johnson & Johnson Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine
a. Acids
b. Salts
c. Sugar
d. ethanol

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