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HomeFood and BeverageWhat is Muskmelon | Benefits of Eating Muskmelon Seeds | Types of...

What is Muskmelon | Benefits of Eating Muskmelon Seeds | Types of Muskmelon

Muskmelon, also acknowledged as sweet melon, is extremely nutritious and provides a vast number of health benefits. Muskmelon is a summer fruit and contains around 90% water which provides hydration and cooling to our body.

It is a yellow-coloured fruit and has a delightful smell. Muskmelon seeds have great benefits as the whole muskmelon. Muskmelon & its seeds are a packed source of vitamins and minerals, which are great benefits for our skin and hair.

It can be consumed directly or can also be applied as a paste. Both of these ways are proven profitable in many ways, like acne, blackheads, pimples, etc.

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What is Muskmelon Types and its Seeds Benefits

A. Muskmelon Nutrition Value

One individual bowl of muskmelon comprises

Protein1.5 GM
Sugar14 GM
Fibre1.6 GM
Carbohydrate14.4 GM
Sodium28 MG
Fat0.3 GM

The calories present in Muskmelon essentially come from the 14.4 gm of carbohydrates. Muskmelon contains both soluble and insoluble fibre, with a glycemic rate of 65.

Some of the vital minerals present in muskmelon are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C and A. It contains a relatively negligible amount of fat and is good for weight loss.

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B. 20 Health Benefits of Muskmelon

The various proven health benefits of Muskmelon are as follows –

  1. The huge amount of fibre present in Muskmelon makes it an excellent food for people suffering from indigestion or constipation. The fibre present in the fruits gives a calming effect on the stomach and assists in regular bowel movement.
  2. The Vitamin C present in muskmelon is proven beneficial for stomach ulcers. Vitamin C is also great for skin and hair problems. It makes your skin glow and adds volume to your hair. The specialist recommends adding Vitamin C to your regular diet.
  3. Muskmelon contains potassium, which is moderately helpful for people with high blood pressure. Potassium-enriched food helps to maintain blood pressure and ensures a steady flow of blood.
  4. To maintain good lung health, it’s important to consume Vitamin A in sufficient quantity. Muskmelon contains Vitamin A, which helps in lung blockage and enables you to breathe well. Muskmelon gives our body vital nutrients and vitamins, which make our body better and more energetic.

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  5. The anti-inflammatory property of muskmelon helps in discomfort associated with arthritis. Arthritis usually indicates unpleasant swelling in the knees. People suffering from arthritis should include anti-inflammatory food in their diet.
    Hence, muskmelon’s anti-inflammatory properties lessen oxidative pressure in knees and legs, which furthermore assists with soreness and inflammation.
  6. Several types of research show that including muskmelon in your diet decreases the risk of bone-related difficulties like osteoporosis.
  7. According to various studies, consuming muskmelon or applying its raw skin on your tooth can help immensely with toothache. Experts even advise using muskmelon mouthwash for good oral hygiene and less toothache.
  8. Muskmelon is estimated as a stress-relieving fruit because of its potassium content. The potassium present in muskmelon boosts blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. This helps the brain to improve its attention power and decrease anxiety.
  9. We all know the benefits of Vitamin A for bright and strong hair. Muskmelon contains Vitamin A and consuming it helps you to achieve long and strong hair. Vitamin A boosts the generation of sebum (oil secretion of the sebaceous gland) which leads to hair growth and adds shine to the hair.

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  10. Muskmelon pulp can also be used as a hair mask. It is recommended to take out the pulp and apply it to the roots and length equally. It works as a hair conditioner and also adds volume to the hair. Generally, the mask is kept for 40 min and hair should be washed properly.
  11. Muskmelon contains Vitamin C, which is a great antioxidant for boosting your immune system. Muskmelon also includes phytochemicals and beta-carotene that assist in smooth digestion and good gut health.
  12. Muskmelon increases the production of white blood cells, which helps in combating different bacteria, germs, and fungi. White blood cells guard our body against several deadly diseases and an improvement in its production is proven beneficial for our overall health.
  13. Muskmelon is an excellent natural way to treat your skin as it comprises collagen and Vitamin C. Both of these are proven immensely useful for young-looking bright skin. Collagen helps in anti-aging and Vitamin C adds a glow to your skin. They both are a potent source of fresh and bright skin.
    One can either consume it or apply its pulp and seed as a face mask. It is required to wash off your face after 20 min. This muskmelon mask adds glow to your face and decreases hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

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  14. Muskmelon contains 90% water that keeps your body hydrated for a prolonged time. It’s best to eat this fruit stuffed with nutrients and minerals in the summer season.
  15. Muskmelon is a great choice for people who are on a diet. It contains very few calories and almost negligible fat content. It can be consumed as a breakfast as the fibre present in it makes you feel full for a long time.
  16. Muskmelon helps to manage your blood sugar level and is and doctor-recommended food for people undergoing diabetes.
  17. Muskmelon contains a huge percentage of oxygen which is proven to cure kidney stones. The high water content in muskmelon washes out all the toxins from the kidney and keeps you hydrated. It’s a fabulous food for body detoxification.
  18. The anticoagulant characteristics of muskmelon help with menstrual pain. It reduces muscle soreness and makes you feel relaxed. Health experts highly recommend this fruit to women suffering from menstrual cramps.
  19. Antioxidants like beta-carotene and tocopherol present in muskmelon reduce the risk of cancer because of their anti-inflammatory properties. Muskmelon keeps your lungs and heart healthy.
  20. Muskmelon’s high water content and Vitamin C are a great option to treat stomach ulcers. Vitamin C cooling properties help prevent stomach ulcers. Also, the high fibre present in muskmelon helps in easy digestion and great bowel movement.
    The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Vitamin A present in muskmelon also treat stomach ulcers and keep you healthy.

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C. 10 Health Benefits of Muskmelon Seeds

  1. The seeds of muskmelon have a huge content of vitamin B, which aids good metabolism, active immune system, healthy nervous system, and is a real strength booster.
  2. The high content of antioxidants present in muskmelon seeds assists in the proper use of parts that usually weaken with aging and also ensures curb over blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  3. For vegetarians whose protein requirements do not reach their target, muskmelon seeds are the solution. It is abundant in plant-based protein.
  4. These seeds also contain calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for strong teeth and bones. Calcium-rich foods aid in building bone density.
  5. These seeds are also great sources of zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. Magnesium stimulates healthy nerve signals and muscle and bone contractions.

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  6. Research has shown that eating muskmelon seeds advances the health of the gut and the expelling of internal parasites. As it is generous in fibre, it helps with better digestion and relief from constipation.
  7. The seeds contain omega-3 fatty acid, which limits cardiovascular diseases, and also improve blood fat levels and cholesterol.
  8. The vitamins A, E, and C present in the seeds help in preventing the deterioration of eyesight due to aging and sustaining proper functioning of the eye for a longer period.
  9. Muskmelon seeds increase nail and hair growth because of the high content of vitamins in them. Such as vitamin A, which stimulates sebum production, an oily secretion that helps to keep hair healthy.
  10. Muskmelon seeds contain 4% fat, 3.6% protein, and 2.5% carbohydrates, which are a greater source of protein rather than meat or dairy products.

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D. Side Effects of Muskmelon Seeds

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The side effects of muskmelon seeds are as follows –

  1. Muskmelon contains a quite high level of sugar and hence it is not advised for people suffering from diabetes. Due to the high glycemic index of muskmelon, it can hamper the blood sugar level of a person.
  2. Sometimes eating too much muskmelon can lead to diarrhea because of its high fibre content.
  3. Eating muskmelon in large quantities can cause stomach-related problems like gas and acidity. Although muskmelon has numerous health benefits, it should not be consumed by overdose, as your health might be affected.
  4. We know muskmelon for its cooling properties, but one should avoid consuming it for fever or cold. It can worsen the condition by affecting your body temperature and making you feel colder.
  5. Muskmelon contains a high percentage of sugar and hence, consuming it at night makes it hard to digest. It’s not advisable to eat sugary and acidic food after sunset because our body’s metabolic rate decreases and it leads to weight gain. It also affects sleep quality and leads to bloating.

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Muskmelon and Muskmelon Seeds: FAQ

What is muskmelon

Muskmelon is a summer fruit and contains around 90% water which provides hydration and cooling to our body. It is a yellow-coloured fruit and has a delightful smell.

Can we give muskmelon to babies?

We can give muskmelon to babies from 6 months.

Can diabetic patients eat muskmelon?

Yes, Some of the vital minerals present in muskmelon are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C and A.

Can I drink muskmelon juice during pregnancy?

Yes, Some of the vital minerals present in muskmelon are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C and A. Muskmelon, is extremely nutritious and provides a vast number of health benefits. 

Is muskmelon good for weight loss?

Muskmelon, acknowledged as sweet melon, is extremely nutritious and provides a vast number of health benefits. It contains a relatively negligible amount of fat and is good for weight loss.

Can we eat muskmelon seeds?

Yes, seeds of muskmelon have a huge content of vitamin B, which aids good metabolism, active immune system, and healthy nervous system, and is a real strength booster.

Can dogs eat muskmelon?

Muskmelon is extremely nutritious and provides a vast number of health benefits. So pets can eat muskmelon it keeps them hydrated & healthy.

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