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What is the Difference Between Brown Sugar and White Sugar | Substitute Brown Sugar for White Sugar

They say, “We are what we eat”. And we all no doubt agree with this. The changing lifestyle and emergence of different health hazards have pushed all of us to be more health conscious.

We all think twice before we swallow that tempting sweet or gulp down the bottled juice. Here we will know about the Difference Between Brown Sugar and White Sugar.

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Brown Sugar vs White Sugar

Sugar is one of the oldest and one of the most common commodities of our life. It plays a very important role in our diet.

We use it every day, be it for freshly brewed and perfectly sweetened coffee in the morning or to bake that lip-smacking brownie. 

Our brain requires 130 grams of glucose per day to function actively. 

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There are different types of sugar. The most common ones that we find in the groceries and commonly used among us are Brown Sugar and White Sugar.

Lately, we have been hearing debates about which one to consume. Or which one has more nutritional value? If you have been wondering the same too. We have got you covered. 

This article helps you with everything that you need to know about White Sugar and Brown Sugar.

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What is the Process of Sugar Manufacturing

Sugar is made from Sugarcane. The extracted juice from crushed sugar cane is boiled to form Raw Sugar. Which is separated from the liquid by the Centrifugal method?

But is it the same Sugar we buy at groceries? No.

The raw sugar is further sent to the refinery, for the removal of the impurities that the raw sugar still contains. This sugar is processed in different ways to form different kinds of Sugar.

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The raw sugar that is completely refined is called White Sugar. The Sugar that is unrefined or partially refined with the presence of molasses in it, is called Brown Sugar. 

So, it is clear that what differentiates the white and brown sugar is the presence or absence of molasses.

“Brown Sugar vs White Sugar” you may wonder while both the sugars are of the same form, do they make any difference? Do they have the same nutritional value? Is one substitute for the other? Which one is more suitable for me?

Let us understand one by one.

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Difference Between Brown Sugar and White Sugar

1. General Differences in Taste and Texture between Brown Sugar vs White Sugar

As the name suggests, brown sugar comparatively is moist and looks darker or brownish, and white sugar looks drier and white.

Brown sugar however looks more organic and natural due to its coarse crystals. On the other hand, white sugar looks like a processed and finished product.

The taste of brown sugar varies slightly from that of white sugar, due to the presence of molasses in it.

The taste of brown sugar is sort of deep, Caramel or toffee-like, while the taste of white sugar is sweet-like.

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2. Difference in Manufacturing of Brown Sugar and White Sugar

So we have now understood that both brown sugar as well as white sugar is made out of the same source, the Sugarcane plant.

They both undergo the same process in the production plant till the last stage that differentiates them.

Brown Sugar may be obtained by partially or unrefined raw sugar or it can also be obtained by adding a desirable amount of molasses to completely refined white sugar. 

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If the brown sugar is obtained by partial refining (partial removal of molasses). It is called Unrefined Brown Sugar, and if it is made by adding molasses to refined white sugar, it is called Refined Brown Sugar.

Brown sugar can also be classified as Light Brown Sugar and Dark Brown Sugar, based on its color.

As the name indicates, brown sugar in a lighter shade is known as Light Brown Sugar, and a darker shade is known as Dark Brown Sugar.

The intensity of color depends on the amount of molasses present or added to the Raw Sugar.

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3. Difference in Nutritional Value in Brown Sugar and White Sugar

“Brown sugar and white sugar” both contain slightly more minerals than refined white sugar because it contains molasses.

Although brown sugar does give you a soupcon of calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium in your sweetener. The amounts are too small to have any impact on your health.

The most important question that most of us have is that do they differ in calories. Yes, they do, but as insignificant as losing a single hair from your head.

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One teaspoon (4 grams) of brown sugar provides 15 calories, while the same amount of white sugar has 16.3 calories, which means brown sugar has 0.25 times fewer calories than white sugar.

Brown sugar contains negligible amounts of minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium because of the presence of molasses.

For bye, sulfur is very commonly used to remove impurities from white sugar, and as a result, a small amount of sulfur is still present in sugar, which falls on the side of the disadvantage for white sugar.

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4. What Should You Choose in Brown Sugar and White Sugar

To choose brown sugar or white sugar is a personal choice as the nutritional values remain almost the same in both of them, but taste varies.

If you like a bit of toffee-like or caramel-like taste, you may go with brown sugar and if you are into plain sweet taste, white sugar is a good option for you.  

For baking or other culinary purposes, if you choose to use brown sugar, it is important to keep in mind that the brown sugar is moist and may require less water than the usual amount of white sugar used.

Also, the usage of brown sugar may result in a bit darker color of the dish.

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Is Brown Sugar Healthier than White Sugar

Brown sugar is healthier” is just a stratagem employed by the brands and their commercials. Do not fall for their games and choose what best fits your taste.

However white sugar, brown sugar, or any kind of sugar for that matter, when consumed in excess quantity is unhealthy and is associated with type 2 diabetes, risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other such disorders.

 It is important to understand that the key to optimum health is the consumption of the right amount of sugar, be it white sugar or brown sugar. 

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Substitute Brown Sugar for White Sugar: FAQ

What are the Benefits of brown sugar

Brown Sugar gives you a soupcon of calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium in your sweetener.

How Long Is brown sugar good for

You can keep Brown Sugar for an indefinite Time. Brown sugar turns hard only when its moisture evaporates.

Is brown sugar bad for your health

white sugar, brown sugar, or any kind of sugar for that matter, when consumed in excess quantity is unhealthy and is associated with type 2 diabetes, risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other such disorders.

Is brown sugar sweeter than white sugar

The taste of brown sugar is sort of deep, Caramel or toffee-like, while the taste of white sugar is sweet-like.

What wine has the least sugar

1. Chardonnay.
2. Pinot Grigio.
3. Sauvignon Blanc.

Can use brown sugar vs white sugar baking

Brown sugar contains more nutritional value in comparison to white sugar. So, these days brown sugar is used as a substitute for white sugar. You can substitute the brown sugar and white sugar ratio in one-to-one. If you are using 1 tablespoon of white sugar then you can use 1 tablespoon of brown sugar. But the texture of your baked item could be changed.

How many calories in brown sugar vs white sugar

1. One teaspoon (4 grams) of brown sugar provides 15 calories
2. One teaspoon (4 grams) of white sugar has 16.3 calories
which means brown sugar has 0.25 times fewer calories than white sugar.

How to soften brown sugar quickly

Place the brown sugar in a bowl and sprinkle some water on it. Cover it with a cotton cloth and leave for 10 minutes. The brown sugar will become soft.

How to unharden brown sugar

Place the brown sugar in a bowl and sprinkle some water on it. Cover it with a cotton cloth and leave for 10 minutes. The brown sugar will become soft.

Is brown sugar good for you

Brown sugar does give you a soupcon of calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium in your sweetener. The amounts are too small to have any impact on your health.

Is brown sugar healthier than white sugar

“Brown sugar and white sugar” both contain slightly more minerals than refined white sugar because it contains molasses.
Although brown sugar does give you a soupcon of calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium in your sweetener. The amounts are too small to have any impact on your health.

What is a substitute for brown sugar

1. White sugar
2. White sugar with maple syrup
3. Coconut sugar
4. Honey
5. Turbinado sugar
6. Demerara sugar
7. Plane white sugar
8. Muscovado sugar

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