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HomeBusinessWhy is Employee Engagement Important and Key to Company Success

Why is Employee Engagement Important and Key to Company Success

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Not all the days are constant. And so is the case with all employees. They would be some days low for the employee but then that would not be the case always. As an employer, you might want to keep a check on the engagement of the employees to get the best productivity from them and increase their output.

It is also evident that disengaged employees can bring a negative or wrong atmosphere to the team. For an organisation to grow by leaps and bounds, they need to rely on employee engagement.

But as an employer, you may be interested in keeping up the engagement of the employees. These methods can be different for each one of them and these should be stitched for the individual employee requirement.

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Some organisations have the fullest employee engagement. Organisations have developed robust systems to empower their employees and thus increase their engagement to the maximum or maybe a hundred per cent.

Employers can master the art of engagement and get the maximum from all the employees to achieve maximum productivity. The employees can be the company’s most important asset only when their task force is fully engaged in the assigned job.

Let`s look at why is employee engagement important and key to company success in a broader way. We have tried to collate some of the ways that may suit each employee differently. The steps are very simple to implement. They should be a priority of every team leader.

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1. Flexibility

Every individual has a different style of working. Some people may be most productive in the morning or some may be in the afternoons. Giving flexibility to their employees to work as per their schedule or if possible, locations get a more engaged employee.

Traditionally it is believed that without watch watchful eyes of managers employees do not engage in work and give the least productivity.

However, the opposite is true in today’s organisations. Instead of rigid work hours, if an employer gives flexible work hours to suit their schedules would create happier and engaged employees.

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2. Team

Helping others has always made us feel good. The same is the case in the organisation. Helping each other in a team or volunteering for a specific project brings a sense of belongingness. By encouraging team efforts, the company will not only make money from the project but also create a difference in the business world.

This would also mean a team with a variety of employees good at different things. Talent acquisitions need to buckle up to put the right people in the right teams. Engaged employees are doing meaningful work and have a clear understanding of how they contribute to the company’s mission, purpose and strategic objectives. 

Employees without clear career paths would soon leave the organisation. Today sky is the limit, many people put a great deal of effort into advancing their careers as far as possible through education, workshops and other enrichment courses.

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3. Unplugging

We all need to unplug from our activities to recharge our brains and start afresh. A very critical project or tiresome documentation brings a lot of fatigue to the brain. These breaks can be quick breaks such as a walk around the office or a chat with a colleague.

Many applications would remind you to take a break if you forget to take one when you are engrossed.

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4. Feedback 

Feedback is very important for life improvement. The same is the case for any employees. Hence the employers keep giving feedback. However, the employer must get feedback from their employees.

Such feedback session gives the employees a feeling of connection. It makes them feel happier when their opinions or feedback are asked and implemented if possible. The managers should also discuss this with their team members.

This gives them a sense of engagement. Gen Z will not only give feedback to the employers but will also need feedback from the employer. They are craving regular feedback to adjust the course of action and give maximum output.

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5. Gatherings

The unofficial gatherings with your teammates bring them closer. This gathering gives scope for developing personal repos with each other. Such gatherings not only break the routines but also bring collaborations.

These can also be useful in breaking the ice within the team and making it a homogenous team. These get-togethers need not be elaborate ones every week. But these can be some lunch get-togethers or weekend sessions for coffee.

These weekend sessions also help to unwind the week’s tiresomeness. Sometimes an outing such as an outbound program can also help in increasing inclusivity.

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6. Physical and Mental Health

Organisations should take care of employee’s physical and mental health. There are many ways in which companies can sponsor health classes for their employees. sponsor workout classes as company outings and, as a long-term solution, consider offering fitness subsidies to encourage healthy lifestyles beyond the office.

Offer meditation classes and encourage employees to take mental health days when they need to step away from the office and focus on themselves. Additionally, stock the kitchen with healthy snacks that will fuel employees during the busy work day.

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7. Volunteering

Various studies say that many employees believe that volunteer work boosts morale more than happy hours and many companies believe that sponsoring as social responsibility has a better work environment.

Volunteering unites employees toward a larger purpose, offering an opportunity to connect on a deeper level. Employers can give volunteer benefits by giving leave to contribute to the volunteer activity to something they are passionate about. 

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8. Engagement Activity

Successful managers are always looking for various ways to improve team engagement. They come up with some standing meetings or they engage every team member for the discussion.

Various techniques of employee engagement stated about are not complex or very difficult to implement. These techniques need to be prioritized as per the employee. Organisations that can implement these well can have great financial returns, become the best among all competitors and become the best workplace.

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